Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Winter of the world

Finish reading that enormous book.  I enjoyed it but not as much as the first book of the trilogy" Fall the giants"
I liked the way the life of the characters are all related and the horrible effect of the war on all of them. It is  often so easy to see only one side of a conflict.

Even Ken Follet does not make any rapprochement, it is easy to see how all the things happening  in the book relate to our time  I like when Gus talk to his son Woody about the United Nations and says "You had been surprised. Look. More republicans are decent men who simply have a view of the world that is different from ours. But there is a hard core of fucking nut cases" very "a propos " is not it?
I like the way there are such a group of strong women characters and the way they are simple women but become strong because what happen in their life.

I love history and I like to learn about this epoch of history that really turn our world around . I learn so much about a time I live through as a child and I really did not know much about.

I did not like the different paragraphs and the different characters equally and I got a little tired at time about the details of the war and the spy world.

This enormous book did not seems so long after long it was very exciting all along.
And when it was finished I missed some of the characters . Just like saying good buy to friends!

I love the ending. "Most of all ,when she died ,she wanted her children to be able to say, as she said of her father, that her life had meant something, and that the world was a better place for it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

winter of the world

I am presently reading the "Winter of the world" from Ken Follet. I read the first book of the trilogy" Fall of Giants " a little while ago . I really liked it. I like historical novel and this one his about a period of time who shaped my life and of which I know very little, making it very interesting to me. I started reading the book 2 days ago and I have a bad time keeping away from it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Minding Frankie

I have read, I think, all the books of Maeve Binchy and I have enjoyed them all.
And I am enjoying" minding Frankie". Nothing much out of the extraordinary happen in Maeve B books only the stories of a group of people which  life intertwine. It is easy to get involve into this people life and wish to have such a group of supporting friends Maeve books just make you feel good just talking about every day life.
"a modern day women's writer in the Jane Austin sense
               -_New Bradford,Mas.,Standard-Times"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Year of Reading: HIS NAME WAS RAOUL WALLENBERG by Louise Borden

A Year of Reading: HIS NAME WAS RAOUL WALLENBERG by Louise Borden: I read HIS NAME WAS RAOUL WALLENBERG by Louise Borden last week. What a powerful read! I have listened to Louise's process with this bo... the blog
 "a year of reading is a very interesting blog I was paticularly interested by the stories "The book that save Curious George." I knew about the odyssee of the french jews in France during the 2nd world war and how a lot of them had to escape  the Nazy and travel in great danger from Paris to Lisbon . But I did not know that Margret and H.A.Rey the authors of Curious Georges were jews from Germany and they had to go through such an ordeal. I will like to read that book. I am definetly putting it in" my to read list"

Saturday, January 28, 2012

friends readings

My friends Jane has decided to reread some books she read a lot time ago or she thinks she should have read and never did. She was apparently not very thorough with her reading least in High school. She just finish reading "Dickens""Great expectation" I did like that book it is amaxing that a book written so long ago still ring true, particularly because it is more difficult now to become a selfmade man.  Next Jane  is going to read "cloud Atlas" I don't remember to hear about that book .I need to check it out.
After checking the book "cloud Atlas" on Wikidi I decided to look for it in the library. adding it to my "to read list"
Very soon "Great expectation" is being presented on PBS. Will try to read that book again before the movie

Monday, January 16, 2012

currents readings

Plum wine (Angela Davis Gardner)" A heartrending  story of love and loss....masterful"-Seattle Time.